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#1 2016-03-13 19:23:16

Dołączył: 2016-03-13
Liczba postów: 7
Windows 7Chrome 48.0.2564.116

The Queen

"Iron woman from Shariz. The one who brought us hope, the one who brings us protection. Warmaiden, her majesty Queen Alysa of Rekkavian Empire!"


                                                                                 Queen Alyssa

The queen is a woman that holds everything in iron grip. Everything that happens in Rekkavi is Alyssa's will. Fifty years ago a slave in one of Rekkavian houses, today the queen of whole empire. Born in Skrelingjar, in one of villages near Valonsbray, she was one of the shieldmaidens, woman warriors that stood along with men. Back in time when Sultan Hakim was still the ruler of Rekkavi, one of the Dust Riders companies slaughtered her friends and family, the women were captured as slaves and taken to capital.

"They took my sword, my shield. But they never could take my spirit"

Women in Rekkavi had no position. Those that were free weren't that far from slaves, used for sex, food, work in home as men were drinking and sending each other to heaven. Such thing as "Honor" weren't known. In barely four years she set up a underground network. Charismatic and always confident, Alyssa had support and heart of every slave in the capital. The night she raised an revolt written itself in the history as "Silent Uprising". There was no fire, there was no open war in the city. Just bodies falling on the ground with slit throats, sound of glass breaking on the ground as lords couldn't breathe, sound of blood slowly soaking into the bed.  .

At morning women walked out on the streets, as man wealth was counted in slaves, they roughly outnumbered left soldiers. Red Dawn raised as blood flowed down the streets of Shariz. Alyssa personally executed Grandmaster of Dustrider Order and made a speech motivating women to fight. .

"They call themselves Dust Riders! But all that will remain of their bodies is dust! And we, we will be the wind that will carry it! We will bring death and justice to every man in empire! We will be Windriders and we will carry dust from their bodies on our winds of revenge!"

Later on palace was taken while the Sultan was still asleep, every man inside was slaughtered. Servant, lord, knight, guest. Only the Sultan himself was striped of his clothes and lugged to main square of the city. There he was stoned by crowd. The moment Sultan's skull was crushed by one of rocks, Alyssa announced herself the first Queeen of Rekkavia.Since then she set up woman dominance, reduced all men to slaves while man newborns are taught the woman superiority over men and end as their fathers, in chains and labor work.

Personality :

Queen of Rekkavia is a rarely talking woman but extremely charismatic. Known for holding everyone in iron grip and never accepting failures, Alyssa is a woman feared due to her custom of brutally punishing every slave that failed to fufil her order and expecting blind obiedence from every woman in the kingdom. As a queen she perfectly mastered the art of hiding emotions and her emotionless mask never leaves her face. Iris the Pearled managed to stop Queen's aging process many years ago what makes the queen remain her beauty for already more than fifty years.


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